Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tanzania hosts a three-day Meeting on Prevention of Atrocities

Hon. Mathias Chikawe (MP), Minister for Constitution and Legal Affairs gives his opening remarks during the High Level Working Meeting on Prevention of Atrocities, particularly on genocide prevention and responsibility to protect.  The Meeting is held at Protea Courtyard Hotel in Dar es Salaam.  Listening is H.E. Olvier Chave (left), Ambassador of Switzerland in the United Republic of Tanzania. 

During his opening remarks, Hon. Chikawe said it is not by sheer luck that Dar es Salam is the right venue to host such important meeting.  He said that preventing mass atrocities in our countries requires partnering with citizens, civil societies, media, private sector and important countries such as Switzerland who is funding this meeting.

Hon. Chikawe concluded his remarks saying, that the Meeting will produce substantial deliberations which will "contribute to efforts towards collective responsibility on preventing any future genocide tragedy and raise awareness on responsibility to protect hence creating a peaceful world."
 Hon. Mathias Chikawe (MP) (2nd left), Minister for Constitution and Legal Affairs continues with his opening remarks during the High Level Working Meeting on Prevention of Atrocities.  Left is H.E. Olvier Chave, Ambassador of Switzerland in the United Republic o Tanzania.
 Several experts from different countries that included Costa Rica, Argentina, Tanzania, Australia, Switzerland, Denmark and civil society organizations listening to the opening remarks by Hon. Chikawe.
Tanzania delegation in participation during the High Level Working Meeting on Prevention of Atrocities.  Also in the photo is Mr. Nathaniel Kaaya (2nd right), Acting Director of the Department of Multilateral Cooperation.
Hon. Minister Chikawe (center) in a light moment with Ambassador Liberata Mulamula (right), Senior Advisor to President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete (Diplomatic Affairs) and H.E. Ambassador Olvier Chave (left), Ambassador of Switzerland in the United Republic of Tanzania.
Mr. Miraji Magai (right), Secretary of the Tanzania National Committee on Prevention of Genocide exchanges views with one of the experts on genocide prevention.
 H.E. Ambassador Olvier Chave (left) exchanges views with Mr. Matteo Facchinotti, Deputy Head Section of the Security Council and Political Affairs in Switzerland.
A group photo of Hon. Mathias Chikawe (MP) (seated - center), Minister for Constitution and Legal Affairs together with experts on genocide prevention that included countries from Australia, Argentina, Denmark, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Tanzania and Civil Society Organizations.All photos courtesy of Protea Courtyard Hotel

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