Amge analingana na viatu viwili vikiunganishwa kwa urefu
Amge anafikia nusu ya tairi ya baiskeli
Amge akishwangilia baada ya kuwa mshindi na kupata taji la msichana mfupi kuliko wote duniani

pamoja na ufupi wake (dwarfism) Amge amemaliza elimu ya sekondary na anajiandaa kuingia chuo kikuu

Amge ana sehemu na meza yake maalum ya kukaa darasani

Amge akifanya homework

Amge akipongezwa baada ya kuwa mshindi

Amge akitangazwa mshindi na maafisa wa Guines world records

World Records kutoka central India imethibitisha kuwa Jyoti Amge mwenye
urefu wa inchi 24.7 aliyesherehekea hivi juzi siku yake ya kuzaliwa
akitimiza miaka 18, kuwa ndiye mwanamke mfupi kuliko wanawake wengine
Sisi nyumbani kwetu tunaye binti wa miaka 16 ambaye alitokea huo Dodoma na sasa yuko kidato cha tatu. nahisiii ni mfupi kuliko Amge lakini anaishia kuchekwa na kuitwa mara kistuli, mara cha ufupi.... ila watu hawa Mungu amewajalia moyo mkuu, wala hajali. Hivi wadau ofisi za Guiness World records zipo hapa Bongo kweli? maana kuna watu wengi wangeweza kuwa milioneas.
Amge — who until her 18th birthday was already recognized as the
world’s shortest teenager — has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia
and likely won’t grow any taller than she already is, but it hasn’t
stopped her from living a somewhat normal existence. She’s attended a
regular school since the age of four, just finished her high school
exams, and plans to go to college. Her ultimate dream? Bollywood
And while many would find her daily life daunting, the bubbly teen says she’s grateful for her tiny stature:
And while many would find her daily life daunting, the bubbly teen says she’s grateful for her tiny stature:
If I weren’t small and had not achieved these world records I might never have been able to visit Japan and Europe, and many other wonderful countries,” she says.
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