Waziri wa Fedha Mhe. Dkt. Wiliam Mgimwa akisaini mojawapo ya mikataba ambapo Serikali ya Tanzania imepata bilioni 341.
Waziri wa Fedha Mhe Dkt. Wiliam
Mgimwa pamoja na Mwakilishi Mkazi wa Benki ya Dunia Tanzania, Rwanda,
Uganda na Burundi Bw. Philippe Dongier wakijadiliana jambo kabla ya
kusaini mikataba hiyo.

kushoto ni Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Sheria Bi. Susan Mkapa pamoja na
wanasheria wa Benki ya Dunia wakifuatilia kwa makini wakati Waziri wa
Fedha Mhe. Dkt. Mgimwa pamoja na Mwakilishi Mkazi wa Benki ya Dunia
Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda na Burundi Bw. Philippe Dongier wakitia sahii
mikataba hiyo.

wa Fedha Mhe Dkt. Wiliam Mgimwa pamoja na Mwakilishi Mkazi wa Benki ya
Dunia Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda na Burundi Bw. Philippe Dongier
wakijadiliana jambo kabla ya kusaini mikataba hiyo.
Waziri wa Fedha Mhe. Dkt. Wiliam
Mgimwa wakibadilishana mkataba na Mwakilishi Mkazi wa Benki ya Dunia
Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda na Burundi Bw. Philippe Dongier.
Waziri wa Fedha Mhe. Dkt. Wiliam Mgimwa akisoma
hotuba baada ya kusaini mikataba mitatu ya jumla ya shilingi bilioni
341 huku akishuhudiwa na ujumbe wa Benki ya Dunia ukiongozwa na
Mwakilishi Mkazi wa Benki ya Dunia Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda na Burundi
Bw. Philippe Dongier.
Ujumbe wa Tanzania na Benki ya Dunia wakishuhudia tukio la utiaji sahihi wa mikataba hiyo.

Ujumbe wa Tanzania waliohudhuria utiaji saini mikataba hiyo mitatu.
Picha zote na Bi. Ingiahedi Mduma na Bi. Eva Valerian – Washington DC
Ingiahedi Mduma
Msemaji Mkuu Wizara ya fedha.

Mr. Philippe Dongier,
World Bank Country Director for Tanzania,Uganda
and Burundi,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
1. Mr. Country Director, please
allow me, on behalf of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania to
express my gratitude for this opportunity of signing with you today, three Loan
(i) the Tenth Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC-10) in the amount
of US$ 75 Million (equivalent to TZS 119.9 billion), (ii) the First Power and
Gas Sector Development Policy Financing in theamount of US$ 100 Million (equivalent
to TZS 159.8 billion) and (iii) the Energy
Sector Capacity Building Project (ESCBP) in the amount of US$ 21.46 Million (equivalent
to TZS 34.3 billion) .
Indeed, the Government
appreciates the World Bank’s support which comes at a time when the Government is
in critical need of such interventionsto address power problemsand sustain key
reforms in the energy sector as part of overall efforts to reduce poverty in
Tanzania through effective implementation of the Second National Strategy for
Growth and Poverty Reduction -MKUKUTA II.
This event once again
evidences the commitment and important role that the World Bank plays in the
social and economic development in Tanzania.
I wish to take this opportunity
to express our gratitude for this continued support.
2. Mr. Country Director, the
Loans we have signed today will complement domestic resources in the
implementation of activities that will contribute to economic development of
the people of Tanzania.
As you well know, theTanzania
Tenth Poverty Reduction Support Credit(PRSC-10) is the second in a series of three
annual programmatic development policy operations i.e(PRSC-9 to PSRC-11) to support the implementation of the Second
National Strategy for Growth and Poverty Reduction - MKUKUTA II,complimented
by the Five Year Development Plan I (FYDP I) as an operational tool. The current PSRC series
(PSRC-9 to PRSC-11) has the following two pillars:
Public Finance Pillar, focusing on“ensuring macroeconomic stability and promoting
shared growth through sound management of public finance”; and
Investment Climate Pillar,focusing onimproving theinvestment climate in
selected strategic areas in order to improve competitiveness and shared growth
in the country by leveraging its geographical advantage and facilitating
agglomeration effects”.
3.The FirstPower and Gas Development Policy Operation, is the first in a
series of three annual Programmatic Development Policy Operations (FY 2012/13,
FY 2013/14 and FY 2014/15).
The objectives of the
program are to: (i) strengthen the country’s ability to bridge the financial
gap in its power sector by improving the operational efficiency of TANESCO;
(ii) reduce the cost of power supply and promote private sector participation
in the power sector; and (iii) strengthen the policy and institutional
framework for the management of the country’s natural gas resources.
Implementation of the
programme is also intended to improve the business environment by better
meeting demand for reliable and cost efficient energy. It also seeks to
contribute to social inclusion, environmental management and improved governance
in the power sector.
4.Mr. Country Director,the development objective of the Energy Sector
Capacity Building Project is to strengthen the capacity of the Government to
develop: (i) its natural gas sector and (ii) PPPs for the power generation
The project has five
components: (A) Petroleum Policy and Legal Framework, (B) Strengthening
Institutional Sector Management, Coordination and Governance, (C) Education
& Skills Development, (D) Larger Power Generation and Natural Gas PPP
Projects Capacity Building, and (E) Project Coordination.
implementation of each of these components will enhance government capacity to
better manage developments in the energy sector.
5. Mr.Country Director, the preparation of these Loans and the three
program/project documents from design
stage up-to thissigning stage has involved many people and long hours of hard
work to discuss and negotiate various aspects and provision of the Loans and
On behalf of the
Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, allow me to thank you personally
for your efforts in ensuring that the process was concluded in time. I also
want to thank all other people who were involved in the process who worked so
hard in order to make it possible for these agreements to be signed today. I
would urge you to sustain that spirit.
Finally let me
conclude by re-affirming the Government’s commitment to sustaining reforms in
order to achieve the MKUKUTA II objectives and to address the power sectorproblems.
Further, I also want to reassure you of our continued commitment towards
strengthening the partnership and friendly relationship between Tanzania and
the World Bank.
Thank you all once
again for your kind attention.
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