Ziara ya familia ya Rais Obama ambayo wiki iliyyopita ilizua utata baada ya wamarekani kuipigia kelele kwamba ingeligarimu taifa hilo dola miliono 100 sasa yadhibitika kuwepo kama kawaida. Hii ni baada ya wadau wa ikulu hiyo kuitetea kwa nguvu na kuonyesha manufaa ya safari hiyo kwa marekani kama baba wa ulimwengu. Obama amefanya safari kama hizo Ulaya na Asia lakini kwa Afrika alifanya ziara fup huko Ghana mwaka 2009. Ziara hii ambayo itazihusisha nchi za Africa Kusini, Senegal na Tanzania inaonekana kuwa ya gharama kubwa kutokana na changamoto za kiusalama. Obama na familia yake anatarajia kutembelea mbuga ya wanyama ya mikumi ambapo atakaa kati ya masaa mawili na nusu.
Soma habari hii kwa kiingereza na kwa urefu zaidi:
The White House on Friday
insisted President Barack Obama's looming trip to Africa was overdue
and would give great 'bang for the buck,' pushing back at concerns over
the journey's cost.
Ben Rhodes, a top foreign policy aide to Obama, admitted that the
president, despite his Kenyan heritage, had focused far more on other
regions, including Asia and Europe, than Africa, despite crucial US
interests there.
"For the United States to say we're a world leader except in this
continent doesn't make any sense," said Rhodes, a deputy national
security advisor.
"The US would be ceding its leadership position in the world if the
president of the United States was not deeply engaged in Africa,"
Rhodes said.
Obama is due to travel to Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania on a
trip beginning at the end of this month for his first prolonged stay on
the continent since taking office.
He has previously visited sub-Saharan Africa only once as president, with a short stay in Ghana in 2009.
Rhodes noted that Obama had travelled multiple times to the
Asia-Pacific region, as part of a rebalancing of US foreign policy there
and had made many trips to Europe, so Africa needed some attention.
"Africa's a critically important region of the world. We have huge
interests there. You've got some of the fastest growing economies in
Africa. You've got a massively growing youth population.
"You've got key security and counterterrorism issues that we work
on with African countries," he said, adding that key US interests in
combating HIV/AIDS, and in supporting global health were also rooted in
the continent.
"This is a deeply substantive trip and one that has been highly
anticipated on the continent. Frankly, there's been great disappointment
that the president hasn't traveled to Africa until this point other
than a brief stop in Ghana."
"The president is not going to retreat from an entire continent."
The Washington Post reported on Thursday that plans for Obama to take a safari with his family in Tanzania had been canceled due to budgetary concerns.
The newspaper, citing a Secret Service planning document, said the
excursion would have required Obama's counter-assault team to carry
sniper rifles with high-caliber rounds that could neutralize cheetahs,
lions or other animals.
The paper said Obama's Africa tour, his first since taking office
in January 2009, could cost the US government between $60 million and
$100 million, based on cost of similar trips in recent years.
The report comes as many government agencies struggle with
mandatory budget cuts that took effect in March because US lawmakers
failed to strike a wider budget deal.
Hundreds of Secret Service agents are dispatched for the
president's overseas visits along with dozens of vehicles, planes and
other military and security assets.
The White House said that it was up to the Secret Service to
determine costs and security needs for the US leader abroad -- as was
the case under former presidents George W. Bush and Clinton for
Both Bush and Clinton undertook significant tours of Africa as
president, requiring the vast security and logistical infrastructure
that follows the US leader wherever he goes.
Rhodes, noting that other powers, including China, were seeking to
increase their influence in Africa, portrayed Obama's upcoming visit as a
smart investment.
"There will be a great bang for our buck for being in Africa.
"When you travel to regions like Africa that don't get a lot of
presidential attention, you tend to have very long-standing and
long-running impact from the visit."
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