Monday, August 19, 2013

Hosni Mubarak kuachiwsa huru ndani ya masaa 48

  Mubarak akiwa jela

Hosni Mubarak Rais wa Misri aliyeondolewa madarakani kwa maandamano ya wananchi "popula revolt" ataachiwa huru ndani ya masaa 48 amesema mwanasheria wake. Mubarak aliyekuwa akikabiliwa na mashtaka ya rushwa na mauaji ya waandamanaji alikuwa akitakiwa na wafuasi wa Morsi afungwe maisha au auawe. Kuachiwa kwa Morsi kutazidi kuleta machafuko katika nchi ya misri ambayo inaelekea kutotawalika. Wakati huo huo, hali nchini Misri inafananishwa na hali ilivyo Syria kwa kuwa mochuari zimejaa maita kupita kiasi.

Hali inaendelea kuwa tata baada ya wafuasi wa Morsi kuwachinja polisi 25 huko Sinai.

 Hata hivyo, Mkuu wa majeshi Al Sisi amewasihi wafuasi wa Morsi wafuate sheria katika kutafuta haki na kwamba msimamo wa jeshi hilo hautabadilika.

Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak with his son Alaa during their trial, Cairo (Reuters) 
He was speaking after judicial authorities ordered Mr Mubarak released in one of the remaining corruption cases against him.
The only legal grounds for Mr Mubarak's continued detention rest on another corruption case which will be cleared up later this week, Mr Deeb told Reuters on Monday.
"All we have left is a simple administrative procedure that should take no more than 48 hours. He should be freed by the end of the week," Mr Deeb said.
Mr Mubarak, 85, still faces a retrial on charges of complicity in the murder of protesters during the 2011 revolt. In January, an appeals court threw out the guilty verdict and life sentence against the former Egyptian strongman, after both the prosecution and the defence contested the judgment - but on different grounds.
Lawyers for the then-ruling Muslim Brotherhood were seeking a harsher verdict, arguing that a new trial with fresh evidence could result in the death penalty for Mr Mubarak. Meanwhile the defence sought his acquittal, claiming there was no evidence that Mr Mubarak had allowed the killings. 

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